Before I knew about Omnifocus 2, I had been using 2do for a while. There are a lot of things to like about the app. It has a good UI design, and there are so many costumizations you can do. After a while, I stopped using it because it didnt help me "de-clutter" A LOT of things that I needed to do.
There are a lot of GTD apps out there that are pretty good. Ive tried 2do, Wunderlist, Things, and Todoist. I think Omnifocus 2 is the best for GTD. It may not be the simplest app to operate, but once you get through the learning curve, the app is very powerful.
If youre looking for something simple, this app may not be for you. But if youre someone who needs help managing chores, errands, work, projects, short term goals, long term goals, etc., give this app a chance. I hope youre as satisfied as I am!
graint about OmniFocus 2